Accessory dwelling units offer flexible housing, independence and dignity for older adults • Rhode Island Current – Rhode Island Current

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The housing crisis is here. This is not hyperbole. It is estimated that Rhode Island residents are facing a 24,000-unit affordable housing shortage. In fact, the latest AARP LTSS (Long-Term Supports and Services) Scorecard ranked Rhode Island 51st in the nation – dead last – when it comes to housing availability for older adults.

The need to take decisive action could not be more urgent.

Rhode Island lawmakers must address the state’s housing shortage. As the session winds down, legislators must move forward on House Bill 7062 and Senate Bill 2630. The proposed legislation will expand housing options by easing barriers that prevent homeowners from creating an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on their property.

Why would easing restrictions on ADUs make a difference? It’s not that complicated.

Harshest critics of ADU bill have softened their stance. What changed?

Older residents overwhelmingly want to live independently as they age. Indeed, 96% of Rhode Islanders responding to AARP’s recent Vital Voices Survey of adults 45 and older indicated that staying in their homes as they age is important. They want to remain in the place where they have established roots, raised families and contributed to the local economy.

But staying in the family home may not be ideal indefinitely. The once-perfect family home may now be too big or require too much costly upkeep and maintenance. But in today’s housing market, downsizing at an affordable price has become close to impossible. Without reasonable housing choices, too many older Rhode Islanders are forced to stay where they are, becoming house rich and cash poor. If the current home is no longer age-friendly and accessible, some may be forced into more costly and less desirable nursing home care.

ADUs can help fill a desperate housing void.

A small, cottage-like structure or addition to the existing home, an ADU can provide flexible living arrangements for families in many ways, including:

  1. Older homeowners can create an ADU on their property to move into and rent the larger house – or the opposite.
  2. They can also offer the ADU or larger house to children or grandchildren so the family can live together, but with their own, separate spaces.
  3. Family caregivers can offer Mom, Dad or other loved ones a place to call their own where they can maintain their independence while also receiving any help they may need, such as transportation, meal preparation or medication management.
  4. Older residents can rent an ADU from another homeowner so they can stay in the community they know.

Without reasonable housing choices, too many older Rhode Islanders are forced to stay where they are, becoming house rich and cash poor.

The bottom line is the bottom line for many Rhode Islanders: ADUs help families save time and money. They help older Rhode Islanders stay in their homes and communities where they want to be. And they help family caregivers manage the big responsibilities that come with assisting older parents, spouses and other loved ones.

Our current housing framework must be updated to serve Rhode Island families today and in the future. Providing single-lot homeowners across the state with the opportunity to create an ADU on their property is a step in the right direction to increase housing options and availability.

We can’t waste time.

On behalf of more than 125,000 AARP members statewide, AARP Rhode Island thanks the House of Representatives for passing House Bill 7062 and urges the Senate to act swiftly to pass an ADU bill.


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