Designs for Williams Lake’s Accessory Dwelling Units are now available at City Hall –

Residents looking to build Accessory Dwelling Units within Williams Lake has been made more streamlined.

When a zoning bylaw was adopted back in May of 2023 to allow construction for ADUs, the City obtained five pre-reviewed designs to distribute to residents free of charge who apply for an ADU building permit.

Manager of Economic Development, Beth Veenkamp says the five designs will help with the variety of property sizes.

“We wanted to give people as many ideas as possible so they can bring their creativity to how they might be able to transform their property.” says Veenkamp.

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“Within Williams Lake, there a pretty broad range of property sizes, so we’ve got everything from a three car garage with something overtop to live in, to a small carriage house.”

Veenkamp added that the size of the property will dictate the size of the building one can add to the property, with the guide to measure on their website.

She says they will probably see most of the uptick for the ADUs to be for an aging parent.

The hope is the program will add some units to the community, and while it won’t impact the big number they actually need, Veenkamp says for the one person that gets a home to live in, it’ll be a big deal.

More information for anyone interested in ADU can find it on the City of Williams Lake’s website here.

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